Digital Business

The 20 Best Ad Networks for Small Publishers To Monetize Blog and Website

The 20 Best Ad Networks for Small Publishers To Monetize Blog

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Today, I’m going to list the best ad networks for bloggers. Small publishers can make money choosing the right ad platforms for their website.

As a blogger, you want to earn passive income from a blog or online business. Then, you need to put more than one ad unit code from various ads providers on your site.

Are you new to blogging? And then, you might have many questions in your mind. What is the best ad network for bloggers? Which ad networks are paying more? How much can I make from the ads platform? In this guide, I’m going to reveal answers to your questions.

You need to know some factors. Firstly, your website must have enough visitors to get approval from ads networks. Whether you build a new blog or have an established site with low traffic, don’t worry, you can increase website traffic because there are many free sources available.

Secondly, you make sure your sites meet the advertising provider’s content guidelines and other terms. If anything on your website doesn’t fit with their policy, remove or change it before you’re applying for an ad network.

Finally, If you already have some advertisements on your blog, you should avoid putting too many ads on your blog when you apply for a new ad service.

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There are many best ad networks available, but most of the advertising networks don’t approve small publishers. So, this post comes with a solution for the small blogger who is seeking new platforms. Let’s take a look at the top best ad networks.

Top 20 Best Publisher Ad Networks in 2020

Let’s take a look at the best publisher ad networks for your website.

1. Google Adsense

No matter how big or small your website, you can get an excellent income from Adsense. Whether you have a niche blog or authority website, Google Adsense is the best ad network for years.

Google Adsense offers a wide range of ad size, auto ads, and ad units format like display ads, link ads, native ads units such as In-feed ads, In-article ads, and Matched content.

When you have more page views, you can make more money from Adsense. I use Adsense since 2011. It is the best online advertising not only for small bloggers but also for large media agencies.

Minimum Payment Threshold: $100


  • 100% ad fill rate
  • World Wide earning opportunities
  • No minimum traffic requirement
  • Highest RPM and CPC
  • Various ad formats
  • Helpful resource and tips available to increase earnings


  • No account manager/Lack of direct supports
  • No PayPal Payment method

2. is another best publisher ad networks for small bloggers. This contextual ad platform works very well on niche blogs. Some publishers get struggle to getting approval from Google Adsense, in that case, you can choose the best Adsense alternative ad network Media,net. You can earn a good amount of money. However, your website should have many website traffic from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. ads work very well some niche websites so you can try this ad platform on your blog.

Minimum Payout Threshold: $100


  • Account manager supports
  • No minimum traffic requirements
  • Eye caching link ads
  • Good RPM on some niches
  • Lack of worldwide ad fill rate
  • Only the Payoneer payment method
  • There is no different ad formats

4. Adsterra Advertising Network

Adsterra is another highest paying CPM ads network. It offers a range of online advertising options for publishers and advertisers. You can try Adsterra Network for your site.

5. Spoutable

Spoutable is good advertising platform for small publishers. You can use through a different format of ads on your site.

Spoutable Ad Networks

6. Popads

If you are looking pop up ads for your website, Popads is one of the best advertising networks for your site. It has no minimum traffic requirements so you can easily join this network. PopAds is one of the highest paying ad networks.

Popads has an easy and super quick website approval process. Payment Methods: PayPal, AlertPay, and Wire Transfer. Minimum Payment Threshold: $5

7. RevenueHits

RevenueHits is another Google Adsense alternative ad platform. When you are not using Adsense on your website, you can place RevenueHits ads on your website.

RevenueHits has different earning models such as CPA, CPI, CPL, and CPM.

Minimum Payout: $20 for PayPal & Payoneer and $500 for Wire

Payment Methods: PayPal, Payoneer, and Wire.

8. Infolinks

Infolinks is the best inner text link ads platform. You can use Infolinks and Adsense on the same web pages. You can easily integrate ads code into your blog. Payment Method: PayPal, Wire Transfer, eChecks, Payoneer
Minimum Payout Threshold: $50

9. HilltopAds

Hilltop Ads is another good advertising network for publishers, but you must at 10,000 page views to get approval from this network.

It has different payment methods such as Bitcoin, ePayments, Webmoney, Wire, ePayService, and Paxum. You will get paid weekly.

HilltopAds offers several ad formats for publishers so you can increase CPM and earnings.

The popular CPM and CPC ads format like:

  • Display banners
  • Native ads
  • Push notifications
  • Video ads
  • Popunder
  • Popup
  • Direct links


When it comes to native advertising, Content ad is the first option for small publisher site and medium-scale media agency website.

There are many native ads network that provides recommended ad units to earn money. Revcontent native ad also an excellent provider for publishers.

If you receive more than 50,000 page views monthly, you can apply for Revcontent to monetize your site.

11. PowerInbox

If you are a small blogger, but you have reasonable email subscribers, you can make money through PowerInbox.

PowerInbox is suitable for not only email monetization but also it offers other monetization methods like web monetization and push notification.

12. ClickAdu

Clickadu is a fast-growing advertising platform for publishers. It places their focus on pop-under ads. These ads will appear underneath a web page when they are loaded.

This ad network pays publishers for impressions of on-click ads popunders, on a CPM basis at rates which are higher than other ad networks may offer.

Minimum payout: $10 Payment Method:  ePayments, PayPal, Webmoney, and Wire transfer

13. GumGum

GumGum is an In-Image advertising network. The site offers a variety of ads solution for desktop and mobile. 

Types of ads format.

  • In-Image Ads
  • In-Screen Ads
  • In-Content Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Video Ads

The platform only approves publishers application who receive a total of at least 500,000 monthly page views. 

14. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser is one of the oldest advertising platforms for new bloggers. You do not have a minimum traffic requirement to join with this ads provider.

Bidvertiser supports many ad formats such as banners, rectangles, skyscrapers, mobile, etc.

Bidvertiser is one of the best alternatives to Google Adsense.

Minimum Payout Threshold: $10

Payment Methods Available: Wire transfer, PayPal, Check, Payza

15. ExoClick Advertising Network

ExoClick is a Barcelona-based fast-growing online advertising firm that provides web advertising services to worldwide advertisers and publishers.

It includes some cool features 24/7 security monitoring, a dedicated account manager, 24/7 customer support, and weekly payments for publishers. 

16. Sovrn

Sovrn provides display ads, header bidding, server-to-server bidding services to monetize your content.The platform includes many advertising tools that help you earn more money with your blog.

17. AdCash

Adcash is one of the best advertising networks for small publishers. It gives the highest eCPM rates, some niche, and countries.   Adcash provides various payments methods so you can choose your payment system.Bank TransferPayPalBitcoinPayoneerSkrillWebMoneyYou need 25 USD/EUR in your publisher account to request a payment.

18. BuySellAds

BuySellAds offers advertising services for publishers and marketers. It has different advertising technology for publishers such as. Native ads Server-to-server biddingMarketplace inventoryEnterprise custom branded solutionsBuySellAds Marketplace is best for publishers to earn more advertising revenue through direct ad sales on your site.

19. AdMaven Online Ad Network

AdMaven is one of the high CPM ad networks for small and medium publishers. You can set up ads to go live and start monetizing your traffic within 5 minutes.AdMaven ad units Full-screen adsNative push notificationsIn-betweenLightboxBannersYou can contact the account manager to support. You will get paid in your earnings in different methods.

20. OpenX Ad Exchange

OpenX Ad Exchange is the best programmatic advertising marketplace for the highest yielding bidder solution. As a small publisher, you may not get approval for your site, but you can use OpenX Ad Exchange features through Ezoic platform. Ezoic allows digital publishers to earn more money through AI automate optimization tools.

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