About us

TronLite Technology

TronLite Technology is the innovative tech magazine that offers tech updates, trending, advancement, and usefull tutorials from all over the world. It is based on various collection of updates from various sources and channel in one place. it is an AI powered and driven engine that collects feeds and contents from famous content creators and large companies and news vendors in one place. is a go to solution for those who need to know what is currently trending in the industry. it specialized mostly in The fields of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence(AI), Internet of Things(IoT), cloud computing, programming, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, web development, innovative updates and many more. It founded By Juma karoli, a Tanzanian youth computer engneer, mathematician and Digital Marketer. who is the founder and CEO of both TronLite Technology and it related services

tronlite technology logo

AI Research Labs

we are also devoted to learning and making more reasearch on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. we are also on the fore front in Robotics

Cloud Hosting

with our hepsia powered cloud hosting we are able to provide efficient services to all our users. we are happy to be there cloud hosting provider

Meet Our CEO and Founder.

Juma Karoli

Juma Karoli


A self taught computer scientist and Digital Entreprenuer.I am Tanzanian by nationality passionate inTechnology and computing since my young age. I have always being curious on how technology really work and discover it’s uses in our day today life. With more than 8 years of coding experience in the field of Computing, Programming,Robotics, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, Blockchain, wordpress and many more in computing industry.

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